110 minutes of short films. Pay-as-you-can! A portion of all donations are shared with the filmmakers.
Burlington Beer Company | 180 Flynn Ave, Burlington, VT

Huguette: A Story In Hifi (Huguette En Hifi)
David Dufresne-Denis | 8:55 | QC
We don’t see much of Huguette in our family home movies. This is the story of a woman, a mother, a grandmother who has been worried all her life.

Sarah Toussaint-Léveillé | 7 | QC
Arielle, 35, is depressed. She invites two friends to dinner. Ashamed of the mess in her apartment, she tries to tackle her dirty dishes but fails. Magically they continue to pile up and overwhelm her.

The Last Rhino (Le Dernier Rhinoceros)
Guillaume Harvey | 19:02 | QC
The last of the northern white rhinos is dead. Lili, a 70 year-old grandmother, led a comfortable retired life until hearing this devastating news. An original and drôle take on a serious issue.

Fork Man
Adam Henry Garcia | 6:25 | VT
Fork Man gives voice to a character from Beauty and the Beast who did not have an enchanted experience at the castle. Quite the opposite in fact.

The Flower Darkens (A La Fontaine)
Philippe Berthelet | 13:30 | QC
Alice, a high school senior, is uncertain about her own talent and ambition. She seeks comfort from her mother, and her friend Julien’s music. News delivered by the school principal marks the start of a complex relationship with absent grief.